Friday, January 28, 2011

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interest rate markets are still in trouble

Have you ever observed how the Interest rate markets have changed since September 2010 ? After the bonds were bought in large format by the U.S. central bank, it went steadily downhill. Even then turned the question: Does the Fed now whole thing with their government?

inflation brings short-term boost in the stock markets

Dear inflation than deflation, it is the motto of the U.S. central bank. Consequence of a positive performance in the stock market. But how about instead of in the bond area? No one would now buy more U.S. government bonds - except, of course, the central bank itself

Steigende Kapitalmarktzinsen

Steigende Renditen und Staatsschulden führen nicht nur zu steigenden Kapitalmarktzinsen in den USA, sondern auch andere Länder sind davon betroffen.

Steigende Rohstoffpreise und Nahrungsmittelpreise

Bereits mit dem Einläuten des neuen Jahres haben wir es deutlich gespürt: Preiserhöhungen . Das wird durch die Ressourcenknappheit nur noch verstärkt. Selbst in China, Indien oder Brasilien sind die Preise längst nicht mehr so günstig wie früher.

Bald eine Leitzinserhöhung?

Steht uns So soon a interest rate hike by the central banks prior to counteract this development? This is probably the most controversial issue currently hot among investors and investors. shooting conditions for the loan that is soon to rise?

Wait no longer, but to act today. I'll show close up in online discussion where you still get the best deal. Jump still deep on the already departing train of the interest on. I'm looking forward to you.

soon in your next blog

January Hönle


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