Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quotes On Slang Versus Jargon

thus act to Gewinnmitnamen of investors from your building loan interest rates ...

On and on the slide interest of U.S. Treasury bonds, so that investors now realize noticeable gains. The interest rate started slipping for years by then 15 percent today to almost one percent. And this also has an effect on your mortgage interest !

The U.S. is borrowing more and more and this: To get the best deal of all time. The U.S. central bank is thanks. For she is the mastermind behind the interest rate manipulation down . Why? In the hope that economic growth is rekindled or created inflation.

economic growth rather than price stability

It could have been but the U.S. central bank, especially in these times when the dollar value is slipping more and more in depth, expected more. Spills so that negative expectations of the U.S. market compared with, for us to be? And if so, how will this affect your financing rates for ? Inform yourself easily and conveniently in a online advice .

euro bond market risk?

The Europäische Zentralbank betreibt eine ganz andere Geldpolitik als die US-Notenbank. Dennoch hat man in den letzten beiden Wochen deutlich gespürt, wie schnell der Negativhype von den USA nach Europa schwappen kann.
Vor allem Sie als Immobiliensuchender sollten daher gerade jetzt auf der Hut sein, denn der Vulkan der Börse kann schon heute ausbrechen. In einem persönlichen Gespräch erhalten Sie handfeste Informationen, welche Zinsstrategie Sie deshalb heute nutzen sollten. Reservieren Sie sich gleich Ihren Termin ...

Bis bald im nächsten Blöog ...

Jan Hönle

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Connect A 9 Volt Motor Boat

In Germany, the booming export

Die vom Export getriebene Wirtschaft ist in Deutschland sichtlich am boomen . Das gefällt nicht nur Gevatter Staat, denn Steuereinnahmen und Arbeitsmarktzahlen steigen kräftig – sondern auch die Aktienkurse klettern wieder. Die extrem tiefen Leit- und Kapitalmarktzinsen begünstigen das Ganze dann noch tätig.

Konsumwachstum im Kommen?

Schaut man sich die historisch tiefen Zinsen mal an, ist es kein Wunder, wenn der Immobilienmarkt angekurbelt wird. Viele Häuslebauer wollen sich noch in diesem Jahr ihr Grundstück sichern. Vielleicht auch wegen der geplanten Steuererhöhung 2011!
Ist doch davon auszugehen, dass in den kommenden Jahren die Kosten für Land and buildings are generally more likely to rise. In a personal conversation I like to tell you more about it!

interest rate movement on one side!

Even, or perhaps because of the euro against the dollar should rise again, now the favorable interest rates be used. best long-term upward from 15 years . This ensures not only a freedom to pay off debts, but also a peaceful sleep. Who knows how interest rates look like in 15 years. Have you paid off your house yet then, perhaps threatening a costly further funding.

View They remain simple and comfortable in a online advice about your options.
At this low level of interest rates to repay with 2 - to choose 3 percent is a very good choice .

Find out also about currently popular Volltilger loans . There are useful forms for your financing requests.

soon in this blog ...

January Hönle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Traditional Clothing Of Ecuador

€ is no longer the weakest currency

Finally, the dollar has managed to replace the euro as currency weakest. The ECB had no further action and the interest rate market is not really altered further. But seething it still powerful in the U.S., China and Japan.

The euro is now coming back into fashion?

If the euro continues to rise against the dollar, but then that could also be bad for our exports . But wait again, because if the U.S. continues to print money diligently and so devalue its currency itself, then everything is open.
But even the Chinese yuan has fallen remarkably . Well of course for China's export economy. I am happy to inform you more accurately in a personal conversation !

currently € perhaps overrated?

experts believe that the with 1.40 and overvalued at any rate higher against the dollar and the yuan is . It is now rumored again that this was all strategy of China and the U.S..

for capital market interest rates in the coming weeks, this means a likely movement of 2.65 and 2.90 percent. For real estate financing means:

sure love now its low interest rates for long periods, and consequently pay higher interest rates no later for a follow-on financing.

Learn more comfortable in a online advice
There are useful forms for your financing requests.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Monday, October 4, 2010

Redken Color Or Goldwell Color?

Wechselkurse werden zur "Finanzierungs-Waffe"

The euro in recent months, mainly impacted by the severe financial and structural problems of some countries in the euro zone. The economy of Switzerland, however, proved to be in crisis be very robust.

Because of investors' search for security the franc strong appreciation in recent months. Particularly against the euro. This is especially for recent inclusion of a foreign currency loan positive, because financing the start, take out a loan in foreign currency.

So you are debt free faster!

Changes between borrowing and loan repayment rate of the currency against the euro, it also changes the loan amount in euro, you have to pay back.

If the value of the euro compared to the foreign currency over the loan term, you have to spend less to repay the loan. A weaker, compared to CHF € leads to debt by currency movements während der Darlehenszeit.

Momentan ist die Schweizer Zentralbanken an einer erneuten Aufwertung des Frankens nicht interessiert. Würde dies doch die wirtschaftliche Stabilität in der Schweiz gefährden. Im Falle das sich die Krise in der Eurozone nicht wieder zuspitzt und der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar weiter zulegt, könnte sich EUR/CHF stabilisieren . Derzeit sieht es ganz danach aus.

Alle wichtigen Informationen, die Sie hierüber brauchen, bekommen Sie in einem persönlichen Online-Gespräch . Sie wissen ja: Information ist gleich Wissen und Wissen ist gleich Macht !

Aber was ist, wenn der Euro noch weiter fällt?

Certainly, with a foreign currency loan always involves a certain risk. Just the opening to the investor Yes so high chances , but also losses. However, if you can assess the real economic situation and followed the progress of things is something that really always on the right side.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

PS: Perhaps you know the saying, "Who is at the source bracuht; not thirst with you are on. the source. Book now so you personal online conversation .