Monday, August 30, 2010

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Neues Rekordtief beim Kurs EURO/CHF

Since the time of the € value is so low in price, is just now a good time to learn a foreign currency loan .

How does a foreign currency loan überhaupt?

Eigentlich wie ein ganz normales Darlehen auch, nur dass Sie dabei noch extra von den Wechselkursen profitieren können. Sie nehmen beispielsweise bei dem jetzig schwachen Euro ein Darlehen in Schweizer Franken auf. So können Sie mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit damit rechnen, dass in ein paar Jahren, wenn der Euro wieder stärker ist, Sie weniger abzahlen müssen. Sie nutzen sozusagen das derzeitige Tief des Euros, um zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt von dem Hoch des Euros zu profitieren .

Holen Sie sich alle wichtigen Informationen , die Sie brauchen in einem persönlichen Online-Gespräch . Only those who have the information they can use! To receive fast, personal and easy all know to make your decision for the right financing to meet optimal.

But what if the euro falls further?

course, is a foreign currency loan always involves a certain risk . This is what makes but also the chance . And just because you can achieve great gains here . How it sounds to you: Today, 10,000 euros to take out loans and pay off in the next few years but only 8000 €? That is 20 percent less !
do not believe you? Here's a chart for you, which shows that this is possible:

Chart EUR / CHF last 12 months

As you can see, the € is very low. He climbs higher again, which is quite likely, then 20 percent are no pure speculation !
Get now your personal online consulting . All information for your personal online discussion is available here . You will see, it's worth it!

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

IMPORTANT NOTE: Foreign currency loans are a type of speculation. Let us explain not only the opportunities, but also about the risks. And there is. This comment does not replace any advice , which is absolutely necessary. More information about currency loans , click here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Was bitte ist ein "US-Double-Dip-Szenario"???

is warned against Japan's relations with falling prices (deflation) and weak growth. So a scenario with these two factors would be very bad for the economy. Although the majority of economists of this double-dip scenario unlikely hold, the Fed is increasingly alarmiert.

Kaum ebben die Sorgen um die Euro-Zone ab, da stehen schon die USA im Fokus des Kapitalmarkts.

Für das zweite Quartal wird nun mit einem Wirtschaftswachstum von nur noch 1,4% pro Jahr gerechnet. Zu wenig für den schwachen Arbeitsmarkt und die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit Das zusammen mit den sehr schwachen Immobilienpreisen drückt natürlich weiterhin auf die Konsumnachfrage, die für rund 70% der US-Wirtschaftsleistung verantwortlich ist. Wie sich das auf Ihre Finanzierung und die dazugehörigen Zinsen auswirkt , erfahren Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch !

Die Euro-Zinsen gehen derzeit im Gleichschritt –Marsch nach unten.

Derzeit sind besonders die deutschen Bundesanleihen als Hort der Sicherheit bei Investoren gefragt. Diese Woche haben die zehnjährigen Bundesanleihen mit 2,29% einen neuen historischen Tiefstand erreicht. Das liegt offensichtlich daran, dass auch im Eurogebiet derzeit die Deflationsangst stärker ist als die Furcht vor mittelfristigen Inflationsschüben.
Wie können Sie damit Ihre Finanzierung verbilligen? Ich zeige es Ihnen in unserer Online-Beratung !

Sie haben sich bereits nach einem Grundstück umgesehen und haben Fragen zur Baufinanzierung?

Wir können Ihnen dabei helfen. Finden The right for the interest rate strategy. Useful forms for your funding requests here.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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Steht der nächste Zinsrutsch bald bevor?

The world is watching now aligned with mixed feelings to the U.S., whose economy on a debt-financed consumption and are likely before a ten-year period of adjustment.

Should tip the confidence of the predominantly foreign creditors, however, will be called with certainty higher risk premiums. This could correct the long-term interest rates worldwide featuring top . What effects will this have and what it means to you? We'll show you in my online home loan advice

Kluge strategy or wise advice?
short term, the current Zinsru lish forces still have the banks to lower mortgage rates, but customers should remain on guard and do not forget that the money usually runs 25 years. to protect this period today to historically low interest rates is certainly a smart move. learn more in person !

you have already looked around for a mortgage?
You should too. We can also help you . Find the right one for the interest rate strategy. Useful forms for your financing questions here .

I'm looking forward to meeting you!
soon to the next blog post ...

January Hönle

Whether Volltilger loans or refinancing , now a good chance to launch a favorable financing in the roads. At this low level of interest rates is a repayment of two or three percentage wise, and of course over a longer period of time. Time horizons von 20 bis 30 Jahren sind dabei nicht unüblich. Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre persönliche Baufinanzierungs-Online-Beratung!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Vintage Card - Crash Course

Today I want to show you how quickly and easily create a map in vintage style.
Many are afraid to wipe and do too much. But what will happen to you?? And not intermediate results count, but what comes out at the end. Duch can look between the results of each step schonmal strange, but it throws up. See for yourself

first I crumple together a piece of torn book page and entknülle them again. Then Spray into I with Glimmer Mist "Pearl" and crumple them together again.
Now I start to wipe. I am using the colors on the photo:
I start with the brightest in the middle of - dab, wipe, rub ... it must not look nice (and your hands either. ..)
If I am somewhat zufriden with the center, I wipe the rim from the outside in with the darkest color.
Spray into after I finished the paper again fine with water and let it dry.
Now I stemple my design on index cards (with the darkest color)
and cut it out
Here the edge is roughened with the Edgedistresser - you can also take the edge of a scissors or a cutter. And then again eingefrbt with the darkest color of the border.
Now I cut off-white paper (in this case Countryside paper) in size 5 1 / 2 "X 5 1 / 2" to distress the edges and wipe it in the darkest color. And in the middle again I wipe the brightest color, so the paper does not seem so "new" looks.
is also stamped, in order to give the background a little movement.
For decoration I dye the top a bit of a cushion to the darkest.
Now it's time to embellish. First I tack on the gross book page. It may still slip a bit and not have to be everywhere glued firmly.
The first decoration, the tip is also glued on.
Maribel creative is with 3D Pads were prepared and glued.
Under the tip, I have applied the lettering - but a bit "taken off".
The whole Wirner now sandblasted, or glued to the blank.

Now comes the decoration!
this I benöötige punch, papers in the colors I use it all the time, Glimmer Mist "Pearl" ... see Photo
this I do now Flowerdeko and bring them to the card.
a few short accents with the white gel pen on the leaves and completed a vintage map

is I hope my little workshop is a little helpful and you are tough enough times. I would appreciate any feedback on the crash course - and leave quietly once a link to your works.
It is of course also use other colors and designs are chic these Nostalgiebildchen.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Wie lange noch bleiben die Zinsen so tief?

Die US-Notenbank steht noch weiter unter Druck , da immer noch befürchtet wird, dass die USA in die Rezession abrutschen könnte. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass weitere Aufkäufe von Staatsanleihen und Hypothekenkrediten stattfinden werden.

Wegen der immer enger werdenden Arbeitsmärkte wird zusätzlich noch die Gefahr einer Lohn-Preis-Spirale laut. Doch scheint zumindest die deutsche Wirtschaft von etwas zu profitieren. So ist eine deutliche Abschwächung der Exportausrichtung in die USA und die damit verbundene Abhängigkeit von der US-Konjunktur zu vermerken.

China ist der neue Hoffnungsstern am Wirtschaftshimmel .
Zumindest wenn es nach dem deutschen Export geht. Dies belegen nicht zuletzt die Höchstwerte der deutschen Autobauer. Was heißt das also für Sie? Gerade jetzt profitieren deutsche Konsumenten von einem positiven Konjunkturumfeld bei gleichzeitig sehr günstigen Finanzierungskonditionen .

Wie das im Einzelnen für Sie aussehen kann? Wir zeigen es Ihnen in unserer Online-Beratung !

Sie planen sowieso einen Immobilienkauf, bevor die Preise in der Breite zu steigen beginnen?

Na umso besser. Dann finden Sie die for a correct interest rate strategy. Useful forms for your funding requests here.

principle, we recommend a eradication of two to three percent choose at this low level of interest rates, so that the total term of the loan remains manageable. Find out, for example, via so-called Volltilger loans . Especially in these times they are very attractive. The risk of later significantly higher interest rates having to make follow-up financing can thus already excluded .
Learn more in a personal online conversation !

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm?

both borrowers and investors are these days facing a difficult decision: should they rely on stable or even further, falling interest rates, or is it time to take profits and for a to position impending and inevitable rise in interest rates? So what do you want to choose? short or long fixed-interest?

When you hear that are 10-year mortgage bond yields in nine months fell from 4.25% to 3%, many a flutter investors to its knees. So what to do at the present time? Learn more comfortable in a online advice how to save money in those days the best!

we could face a renewed depression like in the 30s or inflation?

price increases threaten to be a part of raw materials and energy costs, on the other side are at higher wage demands. The well-known wage-price spiral. In an attractive job market with skills shortages, such as wage increases in Germany are therefore inevitable. Learn me hr in a personal conversation !

financial experts advise investors even now to put more money into real assets, whose value usually rises in other prices. Even a half to two thirds of the Depots should now be in kind, some suggest.

Recognize the signs of the times. Find the right strategy for the interest. Useful forms for your financing questions here ( )

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle