Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ballet Gumpaste Shoes

The upward trend is coming

The capital market interest rates rise , the fear of deflation rises. The result: large purchases of U.S. government bonds and low interest rates.

better economy with tax cuts again?

The purpose of tax reduction programs, now the U.S. economy to get back on a growth course. But even these programs emerging doubts about the low credit quality of the U.S. does not diminish much. The budget deficits of the Obama government are just too great.

Europe from rising interest rates also affected

As always spills the pressure from overseas over on us. Add to that the countries come from the rescue fund and the resulting load distribution. Everything speaks again of the "angry debt crisis." No wonder, since Germany will continue to vigorously asked to pay. Therefore also increase in German government bonds, the risk premiums already in the air .
upward trend in sight

The lows in the market are now behind us. Reason it should be assumed that the upward trend . Rising market interest rates allow the banks wieder reagieren. Die Folge: Eine Anhebung der Konditionen . Wer sich noch jetzt zur Bank begibt, hat vielleicht noch gute Chancen auf günstige Konditionen. Danach ist nichts mehr sicher.

Baufinanzierer sollten sich jetzt absichern und in Zeithorizonten von 20 bis 30 Jahren denken. Stichwort: Volltilger-Darlehen ! Eine Tilgung von 2bis 3 Prozent ist klug gewählt und eine Online-Beratung mit mir ebenfalls. Ich verrate Ihnen die Tricks der Banken und wie Sie diese ausnutzen können.

Bis bald

Jan Hönle

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cooking Mod Mount And Blade

The euro dilemma

Irland beantragt Rettungspaket bei der EU und die Märkte schauen schon gespannt Next to Spain and Portugal. Wow. As quickly fade the news. Less than 24 hours took the fuss about Ireland.

Interest for Portuguese government bonds have already risen so far that here even talk out loud about the rescue. So it was only a matter of time that Portugal is in the next few weeks as a supplicant to the EU.

critics of the euro is becoming increasingly louder. According to the motto: I told you so - old slogans gespeit who want to drag the single currency of the EU economies over the uneven dirt. Does the € all this pressure was ?

How circumvent the EU politicians and central bankers with the tense situation?

The English Prime Minister Zapatero, meanwhile, has warned its investors before speculation against Spain. Crisis conditions in the southern EU countries? Yes. New business models for a harmonization of the euro zone must soon ago. But who could provide it?

many questions. But it seems to be no answers.

speculators already talking about the collapse of the euro and the division into a core and peripheral €. Slowly, the air is thin on the donor country Germany.

Werden wir letztlich die Einzigen sein, die noch einzahlen? Höhere Kreditzinsen wären die Folge .

Zwar sind die Zinsen für längere Laufzeiten schon etwas gestiegen , aber dass ist noch nichts im Vergleich zu der Historie. Spekulieren Sie jetzt noch auf weiter fallende Zinsen, dann könnte das gewaltig nach hinten losgehen . Warum sich nicht lieber heute noch einen günstigen Kredit über Laufzeiten von 20 Jahren und mehr sichern, anstatt darauf zu warten, dass die Chancen alle verpasst wurden?

Gern erzähle ich Ihnen mehr in meiner Online-Beratung . Machen Sie doch einfach einen Termin hier online im Kalender und wir sprechen uns persönlich. Ich freue mich, Sie persönlich kennenzulernen.

Bis bald im nächsten Blog ...

Jan hönle

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Carolina Skiff Händler Deutschland

Keywords: country financial compensation!

Gerade erst sind die Gespräche über Griechenland abgeklungen, kommt schon wieder ein neues Debakel der Eurozone auf den Tisch. Es geht um Irland und den Bankenzusammenbruch durch eine geplatzte Immobilienblase. Schade eigentlich, möchte man meinen, denn die Iren galten mit ihrer Spardisziplin bisher eher als Vorbilder. Zum Glück aber gibt es den europäischen Rettungsschirm .

Spanien und Portugal die nächsten?

Poch, poch. Wer ist there? Spain and Portugal are already at the door of the rescue. But who actually pays then to?

Germany, the auxiliary pioneer!

The interest of German government bonds rising and falling confidence in Germany as a strong upholder of the cash euro zone. The European Central Bank tries Although the interest rates at one percent keep, but the pressure on the German long-term interest rates becomes stronger and stronger. Why? Keywords: country financial compensation!

2011 significantly higher interest rates?

The experts believe that in the coming weeks, a strong be noted backlash in the bond market. Reason enough to still secure a good interest rate long-term ! I support you while . On the basis of charts and database tables, I show you the current situation and how you like this can benefit.

Provide security and you do not speculate further on falling interest rates. This is my advice . Especially mortgage lender should be thinking in other horizons of 20 to 30 years and back as 2-3 per cent repayment into account. Write your rate fixed, and then sit back relaxed. I tell you how the simplest and most is safest. Who

my online counseling does not yet know who will be surprised how close I am from a distance can be. Try it out and make an appointment !

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Upgrade At Borgota From Total Rewards

And the Raven said never!

all who have promised the G20 more than hot air this year were probably disappointed. While talking about all the "pull common strand" from the back, but actually it makes every man his own thing. The United States designated operators continue its monetary policy succinct and China is watching. Since it is comforting to know that at least here European cohesion to be stronger.

to any event, prove us that the rescue , which was put up for economically weak EU countries. Ireland and Portugal are already protected under it. Spain and Italy may follow. The budget situation and the government bonds of these countries are unfortunately not very good.

Large fluctuations in the bond markets

Well, at least be able to gain the stockbrokers and the gamer something for everybody, because by day movements of 15 return points for federal loans, you can even speculate strong. Or would you prefer just to safe time warten?

Der 30-jährige Bullmarkt für Anleihen bald zu Ende?

Fakt ist, dass trotzdem noch die ganze Welt nach Übersee schaut. Dreht sich in den USA der Markt und die Konjunktur, dann werden auch hier die Zinsen schneller wieder hochklettern als man „Stopp“ sagen kann .

Sie als Baufinanzierungskunde sollten daher lieber heute als morgen handeln und sich jetzt noch günstige Konditionen sichern . Besser zu langen Laufzeiten ab 20 Jahren bei einer durchschnittlichen Tilgung von 2-3 Prozent . Dann sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite. Oder kennen Sie schon das Volltilger-Darlehen ?

Let's be in a online advice about it. I'll show you the basis of charts and tables bank's current situation and then determine what you make of it.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To Increase Xbox Quality

U.S. central bank with their backs to the wall

The largest budget deficits in U.S. history and the zero interest rate policy the U.S. central bank speak for themselves. Two years after the official entry of the new government has done nothing worth mentioning. Save money and capital market interest reprint manipulate the further purchase of government and mortgage bonds down, the U.S. central bank has not yet occurred to the economic situation to stabilize.

The result: a falling currency and price fluctuations in the bond market!

we'll see over the big blue ocean, we see a very different monetary policy. In Europe politicians try through austerity measures to obtain the deficit again.

Keywords: consolidation

is Now the U.S. is out on its own. Even China, one of the largest holder of U.S. high debt America had sharply criticized. Europe distanced himself clearly from the current monetary policy of the Big Apple `s.

Gets the USA so intentionally cause inflation?

This is currently highly uncertain situation, I would only recommend that you secure your investments. Mortgage customers should exploit the situation for himself and another loan contract with possible long term . Interest gradually climb back into the height.

An eradication of 2-3 percent is recommended. I like to tell you further details in a personal conversation .

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

PS: you know the so-called Volltilger loans ? A very lucrative and safe thing for mortgage lender. Why not talk about it in a online advice . You will be amazed! is

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Public Masterbation Coat

Speedy turnaround in the building loan interest rates in sight?

For the past 30 years progressed steadily downward trend of for German as well as for U.S. government bonds. Globalization calls up her tribute, just as the end of communism in Europe. What's more, the U.S. central bank has within that 30 years the lowered key interest rates by almost 20 percent to zero !

America simply prints new money

If It then closely in economic growth, the Americans simply print new money. Government bonds, interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank ... all just words without much meaning anymore , it seems.

If the interest rate rise in the past two weeks continued his run to the top?

which is now going out and more than once was the word: turnaround already put in the mouth. Most of it slowly dawns: The end of the downward trend has come!

you as mortgage lender or prospective homeowners, it is now high time so the credit still favorable terms to bring into dry clothes . How is the quickest and cheapest, I'll tell you in your personal consultation .

Already the so-called Volltilger loans ? A most attractive model, especially for real estate clients who think in longer time horizons from 15 years upwards. I recommend at least the majority of your funding amount of target fixation long to secure.

show in your online advice I to you on computer, how to best proceed. know with my relations and special banking software I have the best rates and offers. You take no risk. The choice is always yours!

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quotes On Slang Versus Jargon

thus act to Gewinnmitnamen of investors from your building loan interest rates ...

On and on the slide interest of U.S. Treasury bonds, so that investors now realize noticeable gains. The interest rate started slipping for years by then 15 percent today to almost one percent. And this also has an effect on your mortgage interest !

The U.S. is borrowing more and more and this: To get the best deal of all time. The U.S. central bank is thanks. For she is the mastermind behind the interest rate manipulation down . Why? In the hope that economic growth is rekindled or created inflation.

economic growth rather than price stability

It could have been but the U.S. central bank, especially in these times when the dollar value is slipping more and more in depth, expected more. Spills so that negative expectations of the U.S. market compared with, for us to be? And if so, how will this affect your financing rates for ? Inform yourself easily and conveniently in a online advice .

euro bond market risk?

The Europäische Zentralbank betreibt eine ganz andere Geldpolitik als die US-Notenbank. Dennoch hat man in den letzten beiden Wochen deutlich gespürt, wie schnell der Negativhype von den USA nach Europa schwappen kann.
Vor allem Sie als Immobiliensuchender sollten daher gerade jetzt auf der Hut sein, denn der Vulkan der Börse kann schon heute ausbrechen. In einem persönlichen Gespräch erhalten Sie handfeste Informationen, welche Zinsstrategie Sie deshalb heute nutzen sollten. Reservieren Sie sich gleich Ihren Termin ...

Bis bald im nächsten Blöog ...

Jan Hönle

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Connect A 9 Volt Motor Boat

In Germany, the booming export

Die vom Export getriebene Wirtschaft ist in Deutschland sichtlich am boomen . Das gefällt nicht nur Gevatter Staat, denn Steuereinnahmen und Arbeitsmarktzahlen steigen kräftig – sondern auch die Aktienkurse klettern wieder. Die extrem tiefen Leit- und Kapitalmarktzinsen begünstigen das Ganze dann noch tätig.

Konsumwachstum im Kommen?

Schaut man sich die historisch tiefen Zinsen mal an, ist es kein Wunder, wenn der Immobilienmarkt angekurbelt wird. Viele Häuslebauer wollen sich noch in diesem Jahr ihr Grundstück sichern. Vielleicht auch wegen der geplanten Steuererhöhung 2011!
Ist doch davon auszugehen, dass in den kommenden Jahren die Kosten für Land and buildings are generally more likely to rise. In a personal conversation I like to tell you more about it!

interest rate movement on one side!

Even, or perhaps because of the euro against the dollar should rise again, now the favorable interest rates be used. best long-term upward from 15 years . This ensures not only a freedom to pay off debts, but also a peaceful sleep. Who knows how interest rates look like in 15 years. Have you paid off your house yet then, perhaps threatening a costly further funding.

View They remain simple and comfortable in a online advice about your options.
At this low level of interest rates to repay with 2 - to choose 3 percent is a very good choice .

Find out also about currently popular Volltilger loans . There are useful forms for your financing requests.

soon in this blog ...

January Hönle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Traditional Clothing Of Ecuador

€ is no longer the weakest currency

Finally, the dollar has managed to replace the euro as currency weakest. The ECB had no further action and the interest rate market is not really altered further. But seething it still powerful in the U.S., China and Japan.

The euro is now coming back into fashion?

If the euro continues to rise against the dollar, but then that could also be bad for our exports . But wait again, because if the U.S. continues to print money diligently and so devalue its currency itself, then everything is open.
But even the Chinese yuan has fallen remarkably . Well of course for China's export economy. I am happy to inform you more accurately in a personal conversation !

currently € perhaps overrated?

experts believe that the with 1.40 and overvalued at any rate higher against the dollar and the yuan is . It is now rumored again that this was all strategy of China and the U.S..

for capital market interest rates in the coming weeks, this means a likely movement of 2.65 and 2.90 percent. For real estate financing means:

sure love now its low interest rates for long periods, and consequently pay higher interest rates no later for a follow-on financing.

Learn more comfortable in a online advice
There are useful forms for your financing requests.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Monday, October 4, 2010

Redken Color Or Goldwell Color?

Wechselkurse werden zur "Finanzierungs-Waffe"

The euro in recent months, mainly impacted by the severe financial and structural problems of some countries in the euro zone. The economy of Switzerland, however, proved to be in crisis be very robust.

Because of investors' search for security the franc strong appreciation in recent months. Particularly against the euro. This is especially for recent inclusion of a foreign currency loan positive, because financing the start, take out a loan in foreign currency.

So you are debt free faster!

Changes between borrowing and loan repayment rate of the currency against the euro, it also changes the loan amount in euro, you have to pay back.

If the value of the euro compared to the foreign currency over the loan term, you have to spend less to repay the loan. A weaker, compared to CHF € leads to debt by currency movements während der Darlehenszeit.

Momentan ist die Schweizer Zentralbanken an einer erneuten Aufwertung des Frankens nicht interessiert. Würde dies doch die wirtschaftliche Stabilität in der Schweiz gefährden. Im Falle das sich die Krise in der Eurozone nicht wieder zuspitzt und der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar weiter zulegt, könnte sich EUR/CHF stabilisieren . Derzeit sieht es ganz danach aus.

Alle wichtigen Informationen, die Sie hierüber brauchen, bekommen Sie in einem persönlichen Online-Gespräch . Sie wissen ja: Information ist gleich Wissen und Wissen ist gleich Macht !

Aber was ist, wenn der Euro noch weiter fällt?

Certainly, with a foreign currency loan always involves a certain risk. Just the opening to the investor Yes so high chances , but also losses. However, if you can assess the real economic situation and followed the progress of things is something that really always on the right side.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

PS: Perhaps you know the saying, "Who is at the source bracuht; not thirst with http://www.baufi-tipp.de/ you are on. the source. Book now so you personal online conversation .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To Delete Saves In Gpsphone

US-Notenbank gibt keine Entwarnung. Leitzinsen werden wohl bei Null Prozent bleiben.

The U.S. dollar is still fell against the euro. So we stuck the middle of a race against the devaluation ? What would that mean? A depreciation of the currency means a stronger export for its own budget. Germany, for example exported to America, it now receives more dollars than before, for the same product.

But what if no one can export anything? The consumer demand is still very weak world. If the rise in consumption of not, it will be no further growth.

So keep interest rates low by deflation?
sees it currently Although not look as if would change the present situation somewhat, but it is dangerous to even lower interest speculate . Better now its low interest rates for long periods secure and pay later no higher interest rates for a financing deal. Learn more comfortable in a online advice .

My conclusion:
The interest rate markets are currently very volatile. Not least, the condition increase ING-Diba in the past week by 0.20 percentage points, shows that has come after a long-term interest rates steady movement in the market. I am happy to inform you detail in a personal conversation !
Find useful forms here for your financing requests.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Map To The Relic Of Eternity In The Sims 3

Zinsen gehen wieder aufwärts

In August and expects to have trembled all deeper interest . Now, however, shows a very different situation. The U.S. economy is once again a little better and so are the rates rose again slightly.

is now the current rise in interest rates seen as a correction after the sharp interest rate shift in recent months but the experts do not expect any further change in trend.

are now also higher capital market rates to the "still" passed favorable building loan interest rates?

Who needs now building loans should act soon and the current interest secure , for future interest rate increases and unexpectedly high loads may occur soon.

borrowers should also consider the repayment options correct and optimal use of funds . I think, for example, of the KfW assistance. I am happy to inform you more accurately in a personal conversation !

soon in this blog ...

January Hönle

My tip:
Look especially at high free special repayment options (eg 5% per year) and opportunities to repeated eradication change during the loan term! This can save not only interest but also time.

Inform yourself comfortable in an online consultation !

Monday, September 20, 2010

Textured Wall Covering

Program and access to 14 FOSE meetings

Topic: Business Cultures in Central and Southeastern Europe: history and current trends

Forum East Central and Southeastern Europe invites to the 14 . Working meeting on 9 October 2010 in the University of St. Gallen (HSG) is a. In this framework, we want the historical development of economic cultures in the region until its impact today as well as insights into the latest trends. After a joint discussion of selected texts are given the opportunity, research projects on this topic to develop and present specific case studies using a broad and varied picture.

The 1 4th Working meeting of the Forum of East Central and Southeastern Europe (FOSE) is a m Saturday 09 held in October 2010 St. Gallen.

Location: University of St. Gallen, Main Building (Dufourstrasse 50) Room 01-110.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Does Brazilianlooks Like


Today I want to show you how to do simply a Regenschirmkrate without much effort, yet effective, I think:

you need scrap paper, preferably two different, yet matching
Cuttlebug or other machine
circle dancing
a kebab sticks
an oval punch
and remaining accessories to decorate a card - this is optional how everyone wants to do it.

Zu erst stanzt ihr aus dem DP zwei Kreise aus und halbiert sie - ihr benötigt genau 3 Halbkreise
Legt nun zwei Halbkreise rechts auf rechts aufeinander und stanzt mit der Ovalstanze einen Teil weg - das soll dann so aussehen:
Nun stanzt ihr mit der Ovalstanze von dem noch intakten Halbkreis die Mitte halb weg
die beiden kleineren Stücke werden jetzt rechts und links auf das Größere geklebt
weil jetzt die Ecken überstehen, werden auch diese mit dem Ovalstanzer noch getrimmt, damit das Ganze wie ein Schirm aussieht
Nun wird noch das Schaschlikstäbchen unter dem Schirm montiert, und dann könnt ihr mit dem fertigen Schirm eine Karte gestalten

Viel Spaß beim Nacharbeiten und wie immer - ich freue mich über Reaktionen und Meinungen zu diesem Workshop.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Gina Bmw Concept Car Cost

Neues Rekordtief beim Kurs EURO/CHF

Since the time of the € value is so low in price, is just now a good time to learn a foreign currency loan .

How does a foreign currency loan überhaupt?

Eigentlich wie ein ganz normales Darlehen auch, nur dass Sie dabei noch extra von den Wechselkursen profitieren können. Sie nehmen beispielsweise bei dem jetzig schwachen Euro ein Darlehen in Schweizer Franken auf. So können Sie mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit damit rechnen, dass in ein paar Jahren, wenn der Euro wieder stärker ist, Sie weniger abzahlen müssen. Sie nutzen sozusagen das derzeitige Tief des Euros, um zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt von dem Hoch des Euros zu profitieren .

Holen Sie sich alle wichtigen Informationen , die Sie brauchen in einem persönlichen Online-Gespräch . Only those who have the information they can use! To receive fast, personal and easy all know to make your decision for the right financing to meet optimal.

But what if the euro falls further?

course, is a foreign currency loan always involves a certain risk . This is what makes but also the chance . And just because you can achieve great gains here . How it sounds to you: Today, 10,000 euros to take out loans and pay off in the next few years but only 8000 €? That is 20 percent less !
do not believe you? Here's a chart for you, which shows that this is possible:

Chart EUR / CHF last 12 months

As you can see, the € is very low. He climbs higher again, which is quite likely, then 20 percent are no pure speculation !
Get now your personal online consulting . All information for your personal online discussion is available here . You will see, it's worth it!

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

IMPORTANT NOTE: Foreign currency loans are a type of speculation. Let us explain not only the opportunities, but also about the risks. And there is. This comment does not replace any advice , which is absolutely necessary. More information about currency loans , click here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Images Black & Red Bridesmaid D

Was bitte ist ein "US-Double-Dip-Szenario"???

is warned against Japan's relations with falling prices (deflation) and weak growth. So a scenario with these two factors would be very bad for the economy. Although the majority of economists of this double-dip scenario unlikely hold, the Fed is increasingly alarmiert.

Kaum ebben die Sorgen um die Euro-Zone ab, da stehen schon die USA im Fokus des Kapitalmarkts.

Für das zweite Quartal wird nun mit einem Wirtschaftswachstum von nur noch 1,4% pro Jahr gerechnet. Zu wenig für den schwachen Arbeitsmarkt und die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit Das zusammen mit den sehr schwachen Immobilienpreisen drückt natürlich weiterhin auf die Konsumnachfrage, die für rund 70% der US-Wirtschaftsleistung verantwortlich ist. Wie sich das auf Ihre Finanzierung und die dazugehörigen Zinsen auswirkt , erfahren Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch !

Die Euro-Zinsen gehen derzeit im Gleichschritt –Marsch nach unten.

Derzeit sind besonders die deutschen Bundesanleihen als Hort der Sicherheit bei Investoren gefragt. Diese Woche haben die zehnjährigen Bundesanleihen mit 2,29% einen neuen historischen Tiefstand erreicht. Das liegt offensichtlich daran, dass auch im Eurogebiet derzeit die Deflationsangst stärker ist als die Furcht vor mittelfristigen Inflationsschüben.
Wie können Sie damit Ihre Finanzierung verbilligen? Ich zeige es Ihnen in unserer Online-Beratung !

Sie haben sich bereits nach einem Grundstück umgesehen und haben Fragen zur Baufinanzierung?

Wir können Ihnen dabei helfen. Finden The right for the interest rate strategy. Useful forms for your funding requests here.

soon in the next blog ...

January Hönle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wonder Woman Pajamas For Women

Steht der nächste Zinsrutsch bald bevor?

The world is watching now aligned with mixed feelings to the U.S., whose economy on a debt-financed consumption and are likely before a ten-year period of adjustment.

Should tip the confidence of the predominantly foreign creditors, however, will be called with certainty higher risk premiums. This could correct the long-term interest rates worldwide featuring top . What effects will this have and what it means to you? We'll show you in my online home loan advice

Kluge strategy or wise advice?
short term, the current Zinsru lish forces still have the banks to lower mortgage rates, but customers should remain on guard and do not forget that the money usually runs 25 years. to protect this period today to historically low interest rates is certainly a smart move. learn more in person !

you have already looked around for a mortgage?
You should too. We can also help you . Find the right one for the interest rate strategy. Useful forms for your financing questions here .

I'm looking forward to meeting you!
soon to the next blog post ...

January Hönle

Whether Volltilger loans or refinancing , now a good chance to launch a favorable financing in the roads. At this low level of interest rates is a repayment of two or three percentage wise, and of course over a longer period of time. Time horizons von 20 bis 30 Jahren sind dabei nicht unüblich. Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre persönliche Baufinanzierungs-Online-Beratung!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Usb Rca Cable Radio Shack

Vintage Card - Crash Course

Today I want to show you how quickly and easily create a map in vintage style.
Many are afraid to wipe and do too much. But what will happen to you?? And not intermediate results count, but what comes out at the end. Duch can look between the results of each step schonmal strange, but it throws up. See for yourself

first I crumple together a piece of torn book page and entknülle them again. Then Spray into I with Glimmer Mist "Pearl" and crumple them together again.
Now I start to wipe. I am using the colors on the photo:
I start with the brightest in the middle of - dab, wipe, rub ... it must not look nice (and your hands either. ..)
If I am somewhat zufriden with the center, I wipe the rim from the outside in with the darkest color.
Spray into after I finished the paper again fine with water and let it dry.
Now I stemple my design on index cards (with the darkest color)
and cut it out
Here the edge is roughened with the Edgedistresser - you can also take the edge of a scissors or a cutter. And then again eingefrbt with the darkest color of the border.
Now I cut off-white paper (in this case Countryside paper) in size 5 1 / 2 "X 5 1 / 2" to distress the edges and wipe it in the darkest color. And in the middle again I wipe the brightest color, so the paper does not seem so "new" looks.
is also stamped, in order to give the background a little movement.
For decoration I dye the top a bit of a cushion to the darkest.
Now it's time to embellish. First I tack on the gross book page. It may still slip a bit and not have to be everywhere glued firmly.
The first decoration, the tip is also glued on.
Maribel creative is with 3D Pads were prepared and glued.
Under the tip, I have applied the lettering - but a bit "taken off".
The whole Wirner now sandblasted, or glued to the blank.

Now comes the decoration!
this I benöötige punch, papers in the colors I use it all the time, Glimmer Mist "Pearl" ... see Photo
this I do now Flowerdeko and bring them to the card.
a few short accents with the white gel pen on the leaves and completed a vintage map

is I hope my little workshop is a little helpful and you are tough enough times. I would appreciate any feedback on the crash course - and leave quietly once a link to your works.
It is of course also use other colors and designs are chic these Nostalgiebildchen.
