Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Im Tired Of Riding The School Bus At Age 17

On 25 September was held the first meeting by 18 clock to Dransdorf media night. (To view photos!) Using a Power Point presentation have Shawn Spicer, Barry L. Roshto and Ursel Quint about the concept as far as it is now informed.
Barry and Ursel introduced themselves with their recent projects,
Barry has made a media artist has two music school building on the subject and showed the corresponding work with photographs. It is the "Chime house" in the music school Godesberg, and the project "SOFoperA" in the building in the Cherry Avenue.
Ursel reports on the work of the duo "SnowKrash." Again, there are photos of existing plants.
First, there was a brief explanation of what "media night" actually means: it's about working with "old" and "new" media simultaneously, thus with pen and paper as well as with computers and projectors. Participate to the "experts" and "lay" and the goal should be on 28 February a joint work of art on its feet, which presents the Dransdorf castle as a fascinating building AND a music school.
It is a visual and an acoustic part type. With the help of projectors is the internal architecture to be explored, but also outside light shine through the windows, so that from far away to the castle attention wird.Dazu Barry has shown photos that come from a first attempt to do so.
The musical events unfold (after all it is in the Dransdorf castle to a music school!) Is the leitmotif of the media care of, namely the famous "Für Elise" by Beethoven.Da there
the Dransdorf "Eismann ", the jingle, when he drives his car through the streets, from the opening bars of" Fur Elise is "melody. He should, then the plan to drive that evening into the car park of the castle, while his signature tune is heard loud and get out of his car trumpeter who position themselves in front of the castle entrance and the melody as a greeting mitspielen.Es were (and still !!!!) hopefully several suggestions on how this idea can expand even further.
is unconstitutional Ursel for three different ensembles of music students (winds, strings, saxophone ensembles are first expected) arrangements of the not so well known central part of the "Elise", which are then listed in three different rooms with open doors one by one. This is followed connect to and taken by speakers inSurround sound reproduced versions of the other parts to Klavierstücks.Auch there were and are still hopefully ideas
"Elise" for the uninitiated: Visitors who do not piano or other instrument can play, should also have the opportunity to "Elise" are: the great wings in the room is prepared with colored buttons so that each recognize with ease the first notes of our piece and properly strike kann.Jeder should try to, we will film the performances and hands in the house dispersed beam on the walls!
Furthermore, it also "collateral damage" planned
Virtual Graffiti: Graffiti
that is beamed to the outside walls of the castle (with spray paint redraw ...!)
Elise flash mobbing: A phone call
that a meeting in Bonn, piano shops result hat.Alle participants occupy the instruments of the store and play the "Elise" until something happens ...
Post Books:
The envelopes that contain post of the music, collected and painted or otherwise decorated artistically, tied in little books and media on the evening of eight ausgestellt.Dazu ideas still happy?
Finally, there was an opportunity for the audience to have to do what äussern.Erfreulicherweise lively and interested, and there were some employees won. After the autumn break, another meeting is planned in the next from the Teilnehmren 25.9. even those who are expected to perform to this schedule konnten.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Which Dreams Resort Is Most Affordable?

Info Eve 25 Sept. 2009

erstes Treffen am Freitag Abend:Shawn Spicer erklärt den Teamkollegen-in-spe, was wir geplant haben, und wie sie sich einbringen können.

The Man wid de Plan

das noch fast jungfräuliche Treppenhaus...

und hier mit den ersten live Videoübertragungen, die aus dem Innenleben des Konzertflügels im Saal stammen,
vom computer verfremdet und tele-projiziert auf die Treppenhauswand.

Fortsetzung folgt...

Friday, September 11, 2009

98 Rockford Camper Pop

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Marc Andre Fleury Helmet

Facial Slimming Cream

Shaving Chest And Genitals